Free Sqlite Manager

What SQLite GUI tools are available for Windows to edit/manage SQLite databases? The goals are: free user-friendly easy to work with SQLite databases for create, delete, fill tables import (csv, xls, mdb.) and export. Spent the morning looking for a good Sqlite Database Manager/Browser and have settled on SqliteStudio, currently v2.20.28, which I'm running on Ubuntu Linux 10.04. The download is one 4.3MB uncompressed executable file.

SQLite Manager is an exhaustive and dependable programming arrangement worth having when you have to oversee and sort out numerous SQLite databases by performing different activities, for example, making new tables, triggers, and files. Since it gives you with backing to an extensive variety of SQLite databases, incorporating plain or in memory databases, the utility is sufficiently adaptable to give you a chance to create reports or communicate with various databases at once… read more

10 SQLite Manager Alternatives & Similar Software

Sqlite manager free download - SQLite Manager, SQLite Manager, SQLite Professional, and many more programs. Sqlite manager free download - SQLite Manager, SQLite Manager, SQLite Professional,.


1. SQLPro for SQLite

While utilizing the SQLPro for SQLite application, you will have the capacity to see your database’s substance and the quest for a given line using the apparatus’ worked as a part of Filter highlight. SQLPro for SQLite will likewise permit you to rapidly execute inquiries using your database and perspective their outcomes and the mistake/achievement messages if there are any. Also, SQLPro for SQLite can be used to play out a wide cluster of errands, from custom SQL questions to table creation on the fly. Additionally, it can be used on the off chance that you have to channel information inline or to keep a rundown of most loved inquiries for later use. As an additional reward, the SQLPro for SQLite application will likewise empower you to play out numerous inquiries in the meantime and have them shown in the same interface. All the more essentially, because it accompanies inbuilt OS X Versions bolster, SQLPro for SQLite can do permitting you to return to more seasoned renditions of your database in the blink of an eye.


2. SQLite man

SQLite man is a direct and compelling programming arrangement particularly expected for database overseers and clients who need to oversee, sort out and make SQLite tables, sees and records. It can customize SQL explanations, create triggers and perspectives, and additionally regulate the database file insights. The application furnishes you with two methods for making a few database objects, here alluding to tables, files, perspectives and triggers. Whether you right-tap on the best possible protest and pick the accessible choice, or physically input the privilege SQL scripts and press the “Run” catch. On the off chance that you need to make another table consequently, utilizing the worked as a part of capacities, you can without much of a stretch supplement the same number of sections as you need by determining their sort and name. The ‘Progressed (SQL)’ tab empowers you to see the created scripts, which can be effectively changed in the event that you know how to function with such SQL questions. As a database director, you most likely comprehend what perspectives are intended for. Not at all like a table, a perspective (additionally alluded to as a virtual table) is put away in a database as an inquiry object; along these lines, a perspective is an item that assembles its information from one or more tables. By getting to the ‘Make View’ choice from the setting menu, you can pick the database you are occupied with, determine its name, and then press the “Make” catch. This activity will naturally produce the correct SQL scripts with no communication from your side. To wrap it up, SQLite man ends up being a proficient arrangement that proves to be useful for clients who need to ace SQLite databases by making new tables, lists and perspectives.


3. SQLite Maestro

SQLite Maestro is the head SQLite administrator device for database administration, control and improvement. SQLite Maestro highlights three perspective modes, specifically protest properties, information contained in the chose field and the SQL script. You can see BLOB fields if accessible and show HEX codes, content, pictures, HTML or PDFs contained inside. The project permits you to effectively alter the properties of any field, and additionally change the metadata of the chose object. In addition, you can highlight certain tabs in a database and accordingly differentiate windows with the same inscription however diverse guardian database. You can likewise arrange, approve and run outside SQL or SQLite scripts. SQLite Maestro is an easy to use application that elements a large number of visual capacities. For instance, the visual question manufacturer permits you to run a SQL inquiry in view of existing outlines or the information in the tables. Its clear interface encourages seeing the database’s structure and getting to different items. The project underpins a few SQLite forms, extending from 2.8 to 3.0.0 or more current.


4. Lita SQLite Manager

This Adobe AIR based instrument introduces and runs easily, so the easy to use GUI ought to open in a few minutes and permit you to play out the required undertakings. Part into a few regions and donning a few tabs, the principle window of Lita has every one of the capacities on display and effectively available, for expanded productivity in working with the stacked records. Keeping in mind the end goal to see the records contained inside the SQLite databases and include new ones you can utilize the devoted region of the application. Similarly simple, bringing in explanations from SQL documents, executing and after that sparing them as new are a portion of the operations upheld by Lita. There is a particular module for the individuals who need to scramble or re-encode databases, while sending out the information or compacting a database is likewise a single tick operations. In light of current circumstances, it’s sheltered to say that Lita is to be sure a brilliant decision for the database overseer who needs to make day by day errands all the more simple to do. With enough components and a wonderful look, this application could be an extraordinary aide for some clients.

Db browser for sqlite download

5. SQLite Professional

SQLite Professional is a capable device intended to streamline the advancement of SQLite3 databases. It is an element rich organization and advancement device for SQLite intended to answer the necessities of all clients from composing basic SQL inquiries to creating complex databases. The graphical interface underpins all SQLite highlights. It incorporates a visual inquiry developer, a SQL editorial manager with sentence structure highlighting and code fulfillment, visual table and view fashioners and effective import and fare capacities. In the event that you need to see the properties for the chose database, for example, the aggregate numbers of existing tables or triggers you can without much of a stretch get to the Database tab. The Design tab permits you to view, include, erase or adjust fields, lists, outside keys, limitations and triggers utilizing the right-click menu. Moreover, you can include new passages by selecting the best possible catch situated at the base of the application. Besides, Expert Professional backings exchanges with rollback and nuclear submit so you can without much of a stretch right recuperation from disappointments and ensure that your databases won’t be influenced because of framework accidents. In the event that you need to begin another exchange in the chose database, you can pick the best possible alternative from the principle menu or execute a Begin charge in a SQL script. Considering the majority of the above, SQLite Expert Professional proves to be useful for database executives who need to deal with various databases and execute SQL scripts utilizing an instinctive interface.


6. MySQL-Front

MySQL-Front, now officially called SQL-Front, is a front-end interface for the prevalent MySQL database. It permits the client to oversee and direct databases from a simple to utilize Windows interface, as opposed to through the summon line. Since MySQL-Front is a genuine application, it can offer a more refined UI than is conceivable with frameworks based on PHP and HTML (for instance phpMyAdmin). Reaction is prompt, as there is no deferral of reloading HTML-pages! Information is exhibited in a table with resizable segment widths and sorting ability. In the event that the supplier permits it, SQL-Front can reach the database. In light of the natural interface, database structure can be made by clicking with a mouse. Be that as it may, the instrument still takes into account manual running of questions and such. In this manner, it suits well to creators with just a fundamental handle of databases, and also to SQL gurus. In case you need to compose different SQL explanations and execute them specifically, you can explore to the ‘SQL Editor’ segment. You can keep running the same number of scripts as you need and view all the accessible information in the base sheet of the application. To close, MySQL-Front offers you an instinctive and easy to use environment from where you can oversee and arrange your MySQL databases and tables easily.


7. SQLiteSpy

Freeware sqlite manager

SQLiteSpy is a little measured and simple to-use program that empowers clients to oversee SQLite databases in a well-disposed workplace. It comes pressed with constrained components. As establishment is not an essential, you can simply drop the executable record some place on the hard circle and run it specifically. It is likewise conceivable to move SQLite to a USB streak plate or comparative stockpiling unit, keeping in mind the end goal to run it on any machine without earlier installers. You can connect extra databases, construct new SQL inquiries, view, duplicate and drop tables, alter cells, view “select” and “make” articulations, and look at files, triggers and gatherings. It is conceivable to execute the whole SQL question or only a determination, break down and vacuum the database, change over content to Unicode characters, empower read-just mode, set the decimal separator, and additionally overlook customary expression coordinating cases. SQLiteSpy does not put a strain on framework execution, as it keeps running on a low measure of CPU and RAM. It has a decent reaction time and functions admirably, without creating the working framework to hang crash or appear mistake exchanges. With everything taken into account, SQLiteSpy offers a basic answer for review and executing SQL questions.


8. Valentina Studio

Valentina Studio is software that allows the Mac users and developers to create, administer, query and explore Valentina DB, MySQL, MariaDB, Postgre and SQLite databases for FREE. It allows the users to manage databases in tabs and dockable views. Create, drop, alter, and browse tables, fields, indexes, triggers, constraints, links, views, stored procedures, properties, sequences and many more. Write SQL queries with auto completion and color syntax. Define; manage, save favorite queries and access recent queries. Valentina Studio is a definitive information administration apparatus for database directors. Valentina Studio incorporates an abundance of database organization apparatuses. Valentina Studio PRO to open propelled information demonstrating apparatuses, report configuration and altering and the sky is the limit from there. Select from Linux, Windows and Mac OS X variants. Your permit works with both 32 bit and 64 bit forms if accessible for your working framework determination. Better business knowledge serving profoundly designed reports as html, representation, content and PDF from every single real data sources. Valentina Studio incorporates SQLite Database Server and propelled object-social SQL Valentina Database Server.


9. SQLiteStudio

It is portable software that requires no installation. Just download, unpack and run. It is very powerful, light and fast that is integrated with all SQLite 3 and SQLite 2 features within simple GUI. Exporting and importing data to various formats is also very easy and simple. It is also configurable when it is about colors, fonts and shortcuts. Moreover, it is also free and open source software released under GPLv3 license. The Tables menu permits you to eradicate information, and make another table and populate it by indicating the quantity of columns you need to include. In the event that you need to embed another table in the current database, you have to pick the correct alternatives, and then determine the table name, set table imperatives and include the same number of sections as you need. By utilizing the ‘SQL question supervisor’ alternative, situated in the Tools menu, you can physically make your SQL scripts and execute them. In this way, you can see particular data from every table, or accumulate information from numerous tables utilizing INNER JOIN articulations. Additionally, you can include another trigger for the chose database by determining its name, picking its activity, then composition the best possible code. All things considered, SQLiteStudio proves to be useful for clients who need to oversee and modify SQLite databases by embedding new tables, perspectives, triggers and files.


10. SQLite Database Browser

SQLite Database Browser is an open source and high-quality application to create, design, and edit database files compatible with SQLite. It is best for those developers who want to create databases, search and edit data. It is very easy to use that requires no prior knowledge of complicated SQL commands. The controls and wizards available by SQLite Database Browser are Create and compact database files, create, define, modify, and delete tables, create, define and delete indexes, browse, edit, add and delete records, search records, and much more. New records can be made, and existing ones can be expelled from the presently opened table. The substance of every cell can be physically altered or imported from a content document on your PC. DB Browser for SQLite highlights bringing in and trading capacities, with backing for SQL and CSV positions. Moreover, it empowers you to compose SQL questions, execute them and perspective the returned information, and additionally the produced mistake messages, assuming any. DB Browser for SQLite receives a simple approach for overseeing SQL excellent databases. It incorporates complete wizards for providing and changing tables, performing cross examinations and separating information, issuing SQL inquiries, all without requiring commonality with SQL summons.

More About SQLite Manager

SQLite Manager is an exhaustive and dependable programming arrangement worth having when you have to oversee and sort out numerous SQLite databases by performing different activities, for example, making new tables, triggers, and files. Since it gives you with backing to an extensive variety of SQLite databases, incorporating plain or in memory databases, the utility is sufficiently adaptable to give you a chance to create reports or communicate with various databases at once. Although you have the likelihood to make tables and perform essential operations naturally, you can likewise embed your particular scripts. Still, if you are a progressed SQL specialist, the application empowers you to avoid the wizard that shows up toward the starting and rapidly compose and execute SQL codes. Other components worth specifying are the likelihood to review your inquiries in completely exportable PNG diagrams, assess and transform some inner database conduct, send out information in a few usually utilized configurations including CSV or TXT, and alter existing articulations without the need to drop or re-make them. Still, the genuine force and effectiveness of SQLite Manager comprises of its intuitive interface and accommodating summons that is wrapped inside necessary catches, and that can accomplish more than you can even envision. Rather than writing confounded summons, the application empowers you to view every one of the information contained in tables by performing and running basic questions. Henceforth, if you require an instinctive and dependable application that empowers you to perform essential operations, for example, making and searching tables, triggers, and files, executing SQL proclamations or just imagining your inquiries you can experiment with SQLite Manager.

Active3 years, 8 months ago

There are quite a few Sqlite GUI applications listed here:

Sqlite Database Manager Free

some appear to be incomplete, buggy, not maintained, etc. Do you have any recommendations?

P a u lP a u l
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Best Free Sqlite Manager

closed as off-topic by ChrisFOct 24 '13 at 12:07

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • 'Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.' – ChrisF
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

16 Answers

I use the SQLite manager plugin for Firefox.

Free Sqlite3 Manager

It seems pretty stable to me.

John Sheehan
65.9k27 gold badges151 silver badges187 bronze badges
10.9k3 gold badges28 silver badges51 bronze badges

Here's another free option. It has been pretty stable for me. SQLiteStudio

Travis CollinsTravis Collins
3,1342 gold badges25 silver badges41 bronze badges

For Windows: I've been looking for functionality and a comfortable GUI - it's been particularly hard to satisfy the latter requirement, but these two picks are both fine:

a) Good enough:SQLite Expert

Less expensive, fully featured manager. The author is very responsive to comments and bug reports, and publishes updates frequently. The flip side, if you look at version history, is that new releases seem to introduce new bugs, which are then fixed in sunsequent builds. The GUI is fine, very good for quickly designing new databases; a little less so for designing queries and working with large amounts of data. Main gripe: you can't see the schema while editing a query (without flipping tabs in the program).

b) Nearly perfect:SQLite Maestro

Pricier. Rich UI, easy access to all features, nice visual query builder and automatic SQL formatter for readability, lots of eye candy. There is a separate, more specialized query builder (SQLite Code Factory), but you can make do with just the main Maestro application. Main gripe: can't seem to be able to change font size for table display and the default is a little too small; at the beginning it's easy to get lost in the thicket of tabs, though overall I find the GUI very productive.

Both solutions are very stable in my experience, and both seem to offer occasional discounts, if you can afford to wait.

For just browsing data, try SQLite Spy - free and lets you execture queries, but no or little GUI support for editing. Very convenient for quick lookups though.

Marek JedlińskiMarek Jedliński
3,8739 gold badges39 silver badges53 bronze badges

Spent the morning looking for a good Sqlite Database Manager/Browser and have settled on SqliteStudio, currently v2.20.28, which I'm running on Ubuntu Linux 10.04.

  • The download is one 4.3MB uncompressed executable file. Period!
  • It's fast, well-behaved, and uses modest resources.
  • The interface is clean and attractive with logical functionality.
  • I don't say this often, but it's just a 'A Joy to Use'.
  • It was developed and is actively maintained by Pawel Salawa who is is to be commended for producing a very nice program.

I just used it to merge two Firefox FloatNotes databases (Sqlite v3), which just use a single table...

  • The target database is on the local host where SqliteStudio is running (i.e. /0/LX02)
  • The source database file is on a remote host mounted via SSHFS to /0/LX04
  • Opened the two database files using Add Database.
  • Used the SQL Editor to execute an INSERT to the LX02 database from a SELECT on the LX04.
  • Click the Commit icon when all goes well or Rollback if there are errors to fix.
  • Refresh the table data to see the inserted rows.

There's no Import GUI functionality but merging is pretty simple if you know SQL. I supplied NULL for the first column which is the unique-id primary-key so that Sqlite would autoincrement, thus renumbering the rows being merged in...

John SheehanJohn Sheehan
65.9k27 gold badges151 silver badges187 bronze badges

I've been using SQLite Professional and it's been reliable. The only downside was that changes I made to the db via the iOS simulator didn't resolve in the app (I had to close it and reopen for changes to show) but that feature was added in a recent version. So now it does everything I need. I'm happy with the support. It's good for testing and I use it to build out the db structure. Never been buggy.

7,4801 gold badge16 silver badges20 bronze badges
Lukas Cenovsky
4,1822 gold badges23 silver badges38 bronze badges
Orhan CinarOrhan Cinar
7,6452 gold badges30 silver badges46 bronze badges has a list of management tools available here:

5881 gold badge14 silver badges29 bronze badges

If your using OSX you may like SQLPro for SQLite (App Store).

The app has a few neat features such as:

  • Versions Integration (rollback to previous versions).
  • Inline data filtering.
  • Exporting options to CSV, JSON, XML and MySQL.
  • Column reordering.
  • Full screen support.
8,33924 gold badges117 silver badges219 bronze badges

I've been using SQL Explorer. The firefox plugin is awesome, but it couldn't handle BIGINTs properly (it truncated them). I have noticed that the .jar driver doesn't seem to support FTS4 (but it does support FTS3) and doesn't show indexes in the data structure.

I like SQL explorer as you can use other providers like mySQL too with the one client.

Matt CMatt C
1981 gold badge3 silver badges15 bronze badges

You didn't mention a platform, so here's a great comparison of Mac OS X SQLite tools. I personally found MesaSQLite to be most like my preference for database tools, which was CocoaMySQL incidentally. (For Windows, I just used the Firefox add-on mentioned above.)

5,5625 gold badges34 silver badges41 bronze badges

If you're within Visual Studio most of the time then System.Data.SQLite is good, and as a plus handles encrypted databases.

25.9k43 gold badges139 silver badges215 bronze badges

Navicat SQLite is very good and they support Windows, OS X and Linux too.

6,4451 gold badge19 silver badges36 bronze badges

You might want to check MYZSQLExplorer, here.

Unlike the other tools, it is running on iOS devices (or in the simulator). It is a Viewer, not a management tool, and is not as feature-complete as some of the other tools, but is convenient as you can launch it from within your code and browse your databse from within your app.

Or you can 'Open In...' it sqlite stores, by sending them as email attachments.

I developed it in order to help myself during the development and testing phases, and it did help.

If you have any feedback on it, I'd love to hear it.


If you want just CRUD operations on the sqlite database file, then SQuirreL is a very option as it has an auto complete feature which drastically improve the speed and efficiency of typing the sql queries.

To use the SQLite database in SQuirreL first download the JDBC driver of the SQLite from here then drop the jar in the lib folder of the SQuirreL folder. Now open SQuirreL and choose Create a New Driver.In the Example URL field put


and in Class Name put


After that choose Create a New Alias and choose the driver that you just added and replace $file_url with the actual location of the sqlite file then click ok and you are done.

2,2861 gold badge19 silver badges15 bronze badges

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