Keymark Wood Truss Software

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  2. Keymark Wood Truss Software Free
  3. Keymark Inc
  4. Keymark Wood Truss Software

Roof Truss Design TRUSS4 is a complex software solution for manufacturers of timber trusses with punched metal fasteners. TRUSS4 is able to assist in all parts of the truss production from structure modeling and structural analyses, economic calculations to manufacturing documentation and production control.

KeyTruss 4.0.7 [Build 71]

Release Notes (right-click in this window to print)

Wood Truss Enhancement Summary

  • Engineering design of the lumber has been improved.

  • Added new labor factors: # TC Pitch Breaks; # BC Pitch Breaks; # Heel Joints; Total Length of Pieces per X Ply; Length of Span per X Ply; and Total Board Footage per X Ply.
  • Support additional data in the ITR and ITF files when importing gable data.
  • Allow users to print or preview the cut list by saw.
  • New presets for agricultural trusses
  • Support Michigan building code
  • Pattern loading for roofs
Wood Truss Enhancements

Engineering design of the lumber has been improved

The truss engineering software now takes into account the rigidity of the joint at pitch breaks. Compared to previous versions, this engineering change will have the general effect of reducing chord lumber grades and/or sizes. For some pitch break joints this will also have the impact of occasionally increasing plate sizes, compared with earlier version.

To see the benefits of the improved lumber design, you will need to run Matrix Analysis. In the Engineering/Design presets, on the Design tab, there is preset for “Requested Analysis Type”. Select the “Force Matrix” option, then press Save as Defaults. As you create new trusses these will be run using Matrix Analysis. Pre-existing trusses that were run under ‘Automatic’ will still be run under ‘Automatic’ unless you change this preset and then redesign. To obtain the most economical lumber design, Keymark recommends setting “Force Matrix” as your default on a going-forward basis.

A preset is available to designers that allows/disallows designing pitch break to carry moment. For existing trusses, this checkbox is off. This preserves the design of the older truss.

New Labor Factors

New labor factors based on number of pitch breaks. The sum of the following three is equal to the current labor factor - # of Pitch Break Joints, which was the total number of pitch breaks, including heel joints

# TC Pitch Breaks

# BC Pitch Breaks

# Heel Joints

New labor factors based on number of plies:

Total Length of Pieces per x Plies

Length of Span per x Plies

Total Board Footage per x Plies

Support Additional Gable Data in the ITR/ITF Import

Improvements have been made in Keybuild that allow users to define more gable properties. This data is then available in the ITR/ITF files for importing into KeyTruss. The key data that is being passed is:

  • Structural vs Non-structural gable

  • Vent height for rectangular gables

  • Drop dimension for dropped top gables

This data then pre-populates the corresponding data in the Gable Design macro. When the truss is open, go to menu --> Geometry --> Gable.

The checkbox for Gable will be checked and either Non-Structural or Structural will be checked and Spacing will be pre-populated:

If the gable is a dropped top gable, the Drop Top checkbox will be checked and Drop Dimension will be pre-populated:

If the gable has a vent type of triangular or rectangular, the selection will be made on the Vents tab and the Opening Width and Opening Height will be prepopulated:

There will be additional data passed in future releases.

Agricultural Trusses

There are now separate presets for agricultural trusses. These can be accessed from Preset --> Ag Truss Eng. Design.

When first creating an Ag Truss, it is important to check the Ag indicator before changing your presets. The program using this indicator to determine which set of presets to use.

You can also turn on a system presets that will flag all new trusses as agricultural trusses.

Support of Michigan Building Code

Michigan building code is now supported.

KeyTruss Bug Fixes

  • Modify Florida building code for the 2007 standard
  • Corrected parallel to ridge calculation for loading

Keymark Enterprises, LLC

Copyright© 2009 Keymark Enterprises, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Keymark®, KeyBuild®, Model™, Structure™, KeyBeam®, KeyComm®, KeyLat®, KeyMan®, KeyOpt®, KeyPanel®, KeyPlan®, KeyPlot®, KeyTruss®, KeyUp™, KeyWind™, and KeyBuildCAD™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Keymark Enterprises, LLC

KeyTruss 4.15_80 [Build 50]

Release Notes (right-click in this window to print)

Wood Truss Enhancement Summary

  • Support for TPI2007/IRC2009
  • Color Enhancements
  • Changes to Add Framing
Wood Truss Enhancements

When the newest building codes are selected in the United States, the main design criteria for wood trusses become ANSI/TPI 1-2007, National Design Standard for Metal Plated Connected Wood Truss Construction. This newer version of the ANSI/TPI 1 standard is directly referenced in the 2009 IBC (International Building Code) and the 2009 IRC (International Residential Code).

The newer version of ANSI/TPI 1 has a number of changes that affect the design of trusses. In some cases, the lumber and/or plating will be different from what was required with the previous version of ANSI/TPI 1. In a few cases what worked before is no longer acceptable. Some of the areas affected are:

  • Plating and plate tolerances used in quality control

Trusses with long spans have very high tension and compression forces in their chords. When this is true, even small amounts of moment at these locations can cause plates to be very large. The new functionality allows the user to release moment at off-joint splices to help address this problem.

The ability to visually differentiate members on the main screen has been added for the following properties:

  • Failed members
  • Member type

A new tab has been add to the system presets titled 'Colors'

  1. Material will be populated from existing lumber inventory in the master lumber list under Presets --> System --> Master Lumber List
    • If a new material is added to the master lumber list, it will be assigned the default fill color.
    • If material is present in a truss that is not in the master lumber list, it will be assigned the default fill color. In order to modify it in the colors tab, the material will need to be added to the Master lumber list first
  2. Left clicking color boxes allows a color to be assigned to the material
  3. Left clicking a description and using Ctrl and Shift and then an associated color box allows multiple line items to be selected at once
    • Failed members - if a member fails and exceeds stock length, it will use the Failed Member' fill color
    • Members exceeding stock length - if a member exceeds stock length but has not failed design or analyze, it will use the 'Member Exceeding Stock Length' color
    • Non-Structural - if a member is non structural but has not failed and does not exceed stock length, it will use the 'Non-Structural Members' color
      • Pieces added in Non-Structural Piece Editor and gable blocks added to a structural gable are considered 'Non Structural' pieces for coloring purposes
      • Gable studs on a non-structural gable are considered structural for coloring purposes
  4. Different line widths can be selected from the drop line to indicated 'Forced Members'
  5. Main screen rendering will be updated any time a modification is made that could change material, member type, failed members or members exceeding stock length including:

    • Analyze
    • Returning from Oddball
    • Returning from Splice Editor
    • Auto-webbing
    • Changing board width
    • Changes to truss geometry (heel height, span, pitch)
    1. Chords will be colored according to the same rules as roof trusses
    2. Both chords and webs will receive line thickness for forced members
    3. Like length pieces for webs receive the same color. This functionality has not changed.
  6. Custom colors can be created by left clicking the color box and then pressing the 'Define Custom Colors'. This brings up the standard color selector. You can click on a color and use the slider to adjust the hue and saturation or enter the values directly. Pressing on the 'Add to Custom Colors'
  • Removed the grid from the background
  • Removed the following from the toolbar and the menu:
  • Remove dimension line
  • Remove non-structural piece
  • Added 'Delete Selected' command to the toolbar and the menu
  • Selecting this command will delete all selected entities. Therefore, several entities can be deleted at once.
  • Hitting the ESC key when not in a command will no longer exit the user from ANY mode in KeyTruss (Oddball, Add Framing, Splice Editor, Bearings).
  • In Add Framing, hitting ESC while in a command will still cancel that command. Hitting ESC while not in a command will turn on the 'Select Item' mode and all entities will be deselected.
  • In Oddball, selecting escape will set the focus to the first field of the currently selected mode.
  • In Splice Editor, ESC will still cancel the Move Splice command. Otherwise it will deselect any field.
  • In Bearings, ESC will deselect any selected field.
  • When not in a command, ALT+T will exit the user from Add Framing, Oddball, Splice Editor, and Bearings mode. Right click 'exit mode' will still work as it does today.
  • During the input of a construction line or non-structural piece, all toolbar features and drop down menus will be grayed out, including Return to Main, zoom window, and zoom full.
  • Once a construction line is input, the focus will be on that input mode and all other input modes will be un-gray.
  • Once a non-structural piece is input, the focus will still be on the TRIM command and everything will be un-gray.
  • During the input of a dimension, the toolbar and menus will NOT gray-out.

KeyTruss Bug Fixes

Keymark Wood Truss Software Design

x-use-null-cells=' border='2' cellspacing='0'>
  • None

Keymark Enterprises, LLC

Copyright© 2010 Keymark Enterprises, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Keymark®, KeyBuild®, Model™, Structure™, KeyBeam®, KeyComm®, KeyLat®, KeyMan®, KeyOpt®, KeyPanel®, KeyPlan®, KeyPlot®, KeyTruss®, KeyUp™, KeyWind™, and KeyBuildCAD™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Keymark Enterprises, LLC

Keymark Enterprises, LLC

Keymark Wood Truss Software Free

Copyright© 2010 Keymark Enterprises, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Keymark Inc


Keymark®, KeyBuild®, Model™, Structure™, KeyBeam®, KeyComm®, KeyLat®, KeyMan®, KeyOpt®, KeyPanel®, KeyPlan®, KeyPlot®, KeyTruss®, KeyUp™, KeyWind™, and KeyBuildCAD™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Keymark Enterprises, LLC

Keymark Wood Truss Software