Download PDF Article Metrics. Site Planning, 3rd Edition Kevin Lynch and Gary Hack, MIT Press, Cambndge, MA, 1984 (3d ed.). 499 pp $5.95 Good City Form Kevin Lynch.
This new edition of Kevin Lynch's widely used introductory textbook has been completely revised; and is also enriched by the experience of Lynch's coauthor, Gary Hack. For over two decades, Site Planning has remained the only comprehensive source of information on all the principal activities and concerns of arranging the outdoor physical environment. Now, new illustrations double the visual material and one hundred pages of new appendixes cover special techniques, provide references to more detailed technical sources, and put numerical standards in a concise form.
Site Planning Kevin Lynch Pdf File
Site Planning Kevin Lynch Pdf Download
An introduction summarizes the site planning process. This is followed by a case study of a typical professional project and ten chapters which provide new materials on user analysis, programming, site planning for built places, housing tenures and their planning implications, cost estimating, mapping, the reading of air photographs, site design for housing in developing countries, design strategies, environmental impact analyses, and many others—all illustrated with in-text photographs and line drawings and with Lynch's characteristic marginal sketches.