Logitech G19 Download

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How do I learn about the features of G HUB

There are multiple ways for you to learn more about G Hub. You can find more information in our manual, or watch this quick overview.

Can I resize the window in G HUB?


Do I need to create an account to use G HUB?

We don’t require players to create an account to unlock basic functionality of Logitech G devices. However, creating an account enables features like cloud saves and the ability to download community content.

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How do I delete a profile?

Click the profile you want to delete, then select “DETAILS.” From there you can click the delete button. The Default profile cannot be deleted.

How do I transfer macros from one profile to another?

Logitech G19 Download

On the Game & Applications Profile screen, you can drag and drop a macro from one game or application profile onto another profile.

How can I delete an auto-loaded game or application from the list of profiles?

If the game or application has been uninstalled

Click on the application
Click on “SETTINGS”
Click “FORGET APP. The application and all its profiles and related macros will be deleted.

Logitech G19 Software

If the game or application is still installed, you can disable profile switching

Click on the Game or application
Click on “SETTINGS”
Disable profile switching

Can I lock certain settings across multiple profiles?

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Yes. For certain settings, click the lock icon next to the setting to lock that setting across all profiles

Where can I access onboard memory for devices?

From the main screen, click through to the device you want to load onboard memory to. From there, click the gear settings icon. If the devices supports onboard memory profiles, you will be able to load profiles directly onto the device.

Choose a profile from the drop-down list of game profiles.

I need help!

Please take a look at our G HUB manual or submit a ticket to support.