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- The Tale of Despereaux is an intriguing love story that after each chapter leaves you hanging on to your seat. In this book you will find there are some sad parts. Like when Despereaux gets sent to the dungeon for unreasonable purposes. If you want to know what else happens in this nail- biting novel, go to your nearest library and check it out!
The Tale of Despereaux is about a mouse who is in love with music, stories, and a princess named Pea. Despereaux embarks on a journey that leads him into a horrible dungeon, up into a glittering castle and into the lives and hearts of others.
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Preview — The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo
A brave mouse, a covetous rat, a wishful serving girl, and a princess named Pea come together in Kate DiCamillo's Newbery Medal–winning tale.
Welcome to the story of Despereaux Tilling, a mouse who is in love with music, stories, and a princess named Pea. It is also the story of a rat called Roscuro, who lives in the darkness and covets a world filled with light. And it is...more
Published September 9th 2008 by Candlewick Press (first published August 25th 2003)
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Popular Answered Questions
Vii have been i'm just n eleven year old but this book completely changed my way of life with the darkness and the lightness
Amariah DixonYou may have already read it, but, yeah. It has a sweet ending.
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Nov 29, 2018Mischenko rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
From the moment Despereaux the mouse was born, everyone knew he was different. Born extremely small with strange ears and the only survivor of the litter, his parents weren't sure if he could stay alive. As time goes on, Despereaux becomes quite a curious little critter and begins to question the world around him. He discovers a love for music and falls in love with a lovely princess named Pea. The issue is that Despereaux has gone against the rules put forth by the mouse council by showing hims...more
Apr 30, 2008Claire Greene rated it it was amazing
I picked this book up on a whim in the Barnes & Noble because I liked the look of the cover and the jagged edges of the paper that gave it a 'classic' feel. I was looking for a new bedtime book to read to my children - 2 and 6 at the time. We like to read a bigger book, one chapter each night - for bedtime stories. I read the description and thought it sounded like a good idea so I went ahead and bought it (which is REALLY unusual for me - I can be a cheapskate!) It is by far some of the bes...more
Jan 02, 2017
Ahmad Sharabiani rated it
really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: 21th-century, childrens-young-readers, animals, fantasy
The Tale of Despereaux, Kate DiCamillo
The adventures of a mouse named Despereaux Tilling, as he sets out on his quest to rescue a beautiful human princess from the rats. The novel is divided into four 'books' and ends with a coda. Each 'book' tells the story from a different character's or group of characters' perspective: Despereaux, Roscuro, Miggery Sow, and finally all of them combined.
عنوانها: موش کوچولو؛ ماجرای دسپرو؛ قصه ی دسپروکس؛ دسپروکس؛ نویسنده: کیت دی کامیلو؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز د...more
OK, so now that I've thought about what I really think about this book, I'm changing my rating from 3 stars to 2 stars. There was more that I didn't like than I liked. After hearing a lot good reports about this book, I think I was expecting something different. I liked the idea of the light versus dark. I liked the unlikely friendship between the mouse and the princess. I liked the forgiveness. And I liked that it ended up 'happily ever after', for the most part.
I started out reading this book...more
Feb 03, 2013Jason Koivu rated it it was ok
I remember reading books like this or having them read to me as a kid. It was always a frustrating experience, because I never liked when the author would stop the story in order to go back over something. 'Yeah, I got it the first time,' I would think to myself. Learning, teaching and making sure the kids get it is important, but so is keeping them engaged.
The story itself is only okay. It's nothing terribly exciting and honestly not a lot happens. There's an unusual mouse and he wishes to sav...more
Feb 03, 2013
Kelly rated it
really liked it Shelves: fiction, examined-lives, life-of-a-teacher, fantasy-and-scifi, 21st-century
Absolutely enchanting. Full of compassion, sweetness and dreamers, with exquisite word choice and delicate rhythms. The narrator's voice is like a comforting but sharply intelligent grandmother, pushing you to both see and feel with the best of yourself. I started to read this this this morning for work purposes, I finished it because I couldn't put it down.
Nov 24, 2010
Apokripos rated it
it was amazingRecommended to Apokripos by: the 'Voice'
Tale Of Despereaux Printable Pages
Shelves: 2011-reads, adventure, award-winning-books, romance-love-story, fiction-contemporary, young-adult, dark-chest-of-wonders
Seeing the Light
(A Book Review of Kate DiCamillo’s The Tale of Desperaux)
Despereaux Tilling is the most unusual mouse you’lll likely meet. Conspicously small with considerable large ears, he has always been seen as different, an outsider among his own — a mouse drawn to music, fascinated with stories, and breaks the strict rule of their kind by falling in love with a human, the Princess Pea.
Roscuro leads a normal, rotten rat life in the dungeon, his is a world of utter darkness. Until one day, w...moreOct 22, 2011
Elizabeth rated it
did not like it Shelves: children-s-fiction
I really disliked this book. Poor Miggery Sow; named after a pig, motherless, traded for peanuts, abused, and later described as lazy and fat. Crikey. Also, the author's penchant for describing things to the Reader drove me bananas. Despereaux actually has a small part considering the continuous horrors of the story: evil rats, ambivalent family members, the Queen's death, and the no soup decree.
Apr 28, 2017
Eliza rated it
liked it Shelves: average, owned, cute-and-or-easy-reads, 3-stars, fantasy, childrens, reviewed
3 stars
I remember reading this as a child and enjoying it, though I'm sure it wouldn't be as good as when I'd read it at eleven. Therefore, 3 stars seems good enough.
Jan 25, 2016Debbie Zapata rated it really liked it · review of another edition
I never knew this was a book. I saw the movie of it on one of my bus trips north. Or maybe it was on the return trip south. Or even both, because I know I saw it twice. I thought the movie was wonderful, but as I say, I never knew it had been a book first. I just stumbled across the title while browsing at my favorite online used book seller one day and thought 'Oh, I have to get this!'
And the book was every bit as wonderful as the movie. Actually better, because I loved the way DiCamillo would...more
May 01, 2009Laura rated it really liked it
I've now read this for the third time, every time as an adult. This is a book about the power of love and kindness. It is about how we are more alike than we are different. Important ideas to reinforce, and becoming more important by the day.
Highly recommended to kids of all ages and the audio performance is beautifully and sensitively performed.
I loved this book. There are so many great lessons for kids about doing the right thing, being brave, forgiving and having emp...more
Jul 27, 2008
Gloria rated it
really liked itRecommended to Gloria by: Teacher
This book left me with the feeling that this story may not appeal to all readers. There were several important themes addressed in the story, yet little emotional attachment to the characters. The only character that many might relate to is Despereaux himself. He is ‘different’ both physically and emotionally from his peers which at first mostly works against him, though ultimately these unique qualities eventually save the day.
I did really appreciate the way this author drew in the reader in a...more
Aug 31, 2019Sandradine rated it it was amazing
For all of us who can still be mesmerized by these magical words: 'Once upon a time...' this story defies time and age.
Once again, I picked up a book because of its beautiful cover and although it is mainly intended for children, I found it riveting and magical. I actually feel that, had I read this at a younger age, I would have missed plenty of it's subtlety and lyrical prose. So, definitely a new favourite for me.
Aug 18, 2014Dimitris Hall rated it did not like it
I was thinking the other day: what would you do if you had a negative (and I mean really negative) opinion on a book but by chance happened to come across its author? What would you tell them if they asked you what you thought about their book?
Without the luxury of the internet or reviews or all the other ways we have of expressing a negative opinion on things without having to come into direct contact with their creator, we tend to be more insensitive with our criticism. The medium is the mes...more
Sep 16, 2016Truman32 rated it it was ok · review of another edition
I had high hopes for Kate DiCamillo’s The Tale of Despereaux. What could I not like? It was about a tiny mouse with big ears, ostracized from the other mice, who fell in love with the human Princess Pea. Armed with only a sewing needle, Despereaux bravely goes to battle with the devious rats in the palace dungeon who have stolen her.
I mean, it’s got to be great, right?!!! So I took it on vacation with my six-year-old son to read to him at bedtimes.
Sadly, the story is slow paced and doesn’t cont...more
May 19, 2008
Jon rated it
it was ok · review of another edition
Recommends it for: people who appreciate overwrought children's books.
Some children's books are wonderfully odd. Others are just odd.
The story of Desperaux (a mouse who doesn't just want to be a mouse) is told through the eyes of several different characters. As the stories weave in an out of each other, they draw closer together until the predictably improbably ending.
Unfortunately, the characters in the world of Desperaux are all two dimensional; we are repeatedly told how bad the bad guys/rats are, and how good the good guys/mice are, and how clumsy a clumsy...more
Jun 26, 2017
The Tale Of Despereaux Kate Dicamillo Pdf
R.F. Gammon rated it
did not like it Shelves: meh-i-remember-nothing, 1-star-books, is-this-really-for-kids, children-s-books, pg
My little sister just reread this book and it brought back all my traumatizing and terrifying memories of it and holy crap I hate this book Imma go have nightmares now
(seriously the dungeon scared me SO MUCH)
(this is not a children's book)
Mar 12, 2012
Monique rated it
really liked it Shelves: tv-film-adaptation, fiction, 2012, children-s, classics
Two words to describe The Tale of Despereaux: sweet and heartwarming. In fact, if I were to give it another title, I'd call it A Little Mouse in Shining Armor. ;)
The Tale of Despereaux is the combined stories of three unique characters. Despereaux Tilling is born small, but with huge ears. He is, however, no ordinary mouse, for he can read, he loves stories and music, and he eventually falls in love with pretty Princess Pea. Chiaroscuro, or Roscuro, is a rat who lives in the dungeon, but...more
Apr 02, 2008Qt rated it it was amazing
I listened to the story on tape--the reading undoubtedly added to my enjoyment and appreciation of it.
Jun 30, 2008nicole rated it it was amazing
A perfect combination of sweet and dark. Or light and dark, would be a more fitting description, I suppose. And by that I don't just mean that there were good deeds and bad deeds, right and wrong and everyone learned a lesson. Everyone didn't learn a lesson and some people/rats/mice were bad, cowardly, or just plain stupid. This is nothing like Roald Dahl, but they share a quality that I very much appreciate, particularly in children's lit: they let you dislike the unlikeable. Everyone is not ni...more
Aug 18, 2008
Malbadeen rated it
it was amazing Shelves: childrens-young-adult
I love this book! I love, love, love this book! Which is something, because I don't typically love, love, love books and most certainly not books about mice. And I'm not a big reader of fantasy/fairy tales But this book: this book I LOVE!
I read the first few chapters of this book several times before actually reading it. I'd see it in the library (where I work) or at home (waiting to be read) or in a teachers classroom and I always felt compelled to re-read the beginning purely for the enjoyment...more
Nov 14, 2017Holly rated it really liked it
Reader, you must know that an interesting fate (sometimes involving rats, sometimes not) awaits almost everyone, mouse or man, who does not conform.
This is a cute and entertaining story about an undersized mouse with oversized ears who falls in love with a princess. Although this book is geared toward children, the plot and the writing are sophisticated enough that people of all ages should be able to enjoy it. I thought it was funny and heartwarming, and I loved the message behind it. My only c...more
Aug 11, 2019Amber rated it it was amazing
Tale Of Despereaux Online Book
This was a pretty good read about a mouse named Despereaux who saves a princess from the rats. Look for this book at your local library and wherever books are sold.
Sep 19, 2008
Suzanne rated it
really liked itRecommended to Suzanne by: Laura Forde
Shelves: children-and-children-s-book-lovers, children-s-book-art, mice
I saw the upcoming movie previews and thought I should read the book. This edition is a slim volume with ragged edged paper and lovely charcoal illlustrations.
It certainly is an original work. Young Despereaux is the youngest mouse, born of a french mouse mother and father. He is the runt, small and undersized with big ears. He was born with his 'eyes wide open'. These ears allow him to hear things other mice don't hear and his eyes observes things other mice don't see. Thus the adventure beg...more
A talking mouse falls in love with a beautiful princess, and, armed with only a needle, vows to rescue her from the clutches of an evil rat and a dull servant-girl. Admittedly, it sounds a bit (okay, very) trite. That was my mindset too, even after the librarian had gushed on and on about what a wonderful book it was (did she think I was going to read some LITTLE KIDS' fairytale?).
But two years ago, I was waiting backstage during a piano concert, bored out of my mind, when I found The Tale of De...more
May 02, 2017Rachel Aranda rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This is an absolute treasure of a book. Everyone needs to read this book no matter what their age is because it is absolutely that wonderful of a book. The story seemed so different from what I expected of a fairy tale setting. There was a certain level of darkness to this story that was balanced by the happy moments and feelings Despereaux experiences. This is why I think this book could be read by anyone at any age.
Graeme Malcolm was the perfect choice for this audiobook. It was delightful hea...more

Jun 10, 2018Libby May rated it liked it · review of another edition
That was such a weird story I have no clue what genre it qualifies as.
It was sort of cute at first, and then got creepy quickly. And then sort of tangled up in a complicated 'happily ever after.'
Umm... so yeah.
Check mark?
A award winning book about a mouse, a love, a rat, and some soup.
May 02, 2015C.B. Cook rated it it was amazing
Not many books make me tear up, but when I got to the end of this one... yeah, I did. Mostly because it's a gorgeous ending, and the author note? Priceless. <3 Always one of my childhood favorites!
Aug 08, 2019Alexander Hamilton rated it it was amazing
Ah yes, this book is just as depressing as I remember it
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Kate DiCamillo, the newly named National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature for 2014–2015, says about stories, “When we read together, we connect. Together, we see the world. Together, we see one another.” Born in Philadelphia, the author lives in Minneapolis, where she faithfully writes two pages a day, five days a week.
Kate DiCamillo's own journey is something of a dream come true. After...more
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“There is nothing sweeter in this sad world than the sound of someone you love calling your name.” — 960 likes
“Stories are light. Light is precious in a world so dark. Begin at the beginning. Tell Gregory a story. Make some light.” — 469 likes
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Free download or read online The Tiger Rising pdf (ePUB) book. The first edition of this novel was published in 2001, and was written by Kate DiCamillo. The book was published in multiple languages including English language, consists of 128 pages and is available in Paperback format. The main characters of this fiction, young adult story are Rob, Sistine, . The book has been awarded with National Book Award Finalist for Young People's Literature (2001), Simon Honor Book (2003) and many others.
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The Tiger Rising PDF Details
Author: | Kate DiCamillo |
Original Title: | The Tiger Rising |
Book Format: | Paperback |
Number Of Pages: | 128 pages |
First Published in: | 2001 |
Latest Edition: | July 1st 2002 |
ISBN Number: | 9780763618988 |
Language: | English |
Awards: | National Book Award Finalist for Young People's Literature (2001), Simon Honor Book (2003) |
Main Characters: | Rob, Sistine |
category: | fiction, young adult, realistic fiction, childrens, childrens, middle grade, animals, seduction |
Formats: | epub(Android), audible mp3, audiobook and kindle. |
Now available in Spanish, English, Chinese, Russian, Hindi, Bengali, Arabic, Portuguese, Indonesian / Malaysian, French, Japanese, German and many others.
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